Saturday, September 11, 2010

Jake at Howell Island..part 1

Capt'n Jake's favorite second mate (His mom's first mate), Mark, offered to take Jake to a new port of call on the way back from Pirate Fest.

We stopped at Howell Island Conservation Area on the Missouri River.  Unfortunately, the Missouri was over the causeway in Centaur Chute.  It was too deep and fast for Jake to cross.  I also didn't have bug spray or the right shoes.  We plan on going back when the river is much lower!

Yes I know you gave me nice fresh water in the car.
I don't want that water.
I want this water.

Is this good?
I don't want to get any closer.
My paws might get wet.

Is this side better?

I'm not crossing that.
No way.

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